一對一私密聊天 app
Between is a mobile app for couples in love! Chat, share photos and schedules in a private space just
for two.
Start now and collect all the moments in your relationship.
感情升溫,維繫熱戀最好的 app-Between ♡
一起開始兩人的 Between 祕密基地吧!
Between 提供安全、私密的聊天功能,即時傳送可愛貼圖、甜蜜對話。還可自創動畫自拍,讓你再也不遺漏最重要的人傳的重要訊息 ♪
Between 為你保護所有甜蜜合照、貼心便條。輕鬆建立兩人世界。隨時一起回憶每個美好時光 ♡
Between 免費線上通話終於來了! 終於可以甜蜜情話到通宵了 ♪
Between 幫你輕鬆記錄交往多久了? 還有幾天慶祝他的生日? 和所有重要的大小日 ♡
Between 行事曆共享,方便彼此提醒重要紀念日,節日,約會等。再也不用擔心漏掉任何重要日子 ♪
"身為情侶產業的先驅,我們掌握時下使用者平均每天使用電腦超過8個小時的習慣。Between 電腦版的推出,就是為了讓情侶們能夠給予最重要的人更多時間與關心。"
"Between App 於2014 年被Google Play 列為台灣前 30 名的 App"
Between is a mobile app for couples in love! Chat, share photos and schedules in a private space just
for two.
Start now and collect all the moments in your relationship.
Express yourselves better with cute stickers and emoticons.
Have fun with GIF Selfies.
is the place to have your intimate conversations.
Every photo, video, and notes - just between the two of you.
Your memories all remain, even if
you change phones.
Save and share all your precious memories in Between.
Never miss a word from the voice you miss most.
Between provides free and clear Voice Calls.
on talking without the worry of phone call charges.
Do you remember the day you first met, your first anniversary, or a special trip together?
special moments, no matter how small, are all important in your relationship.
Save and track all your
special days and moments on Between, and never forget them.
Easily share your individual schedules and make plans.
No set up or syncing needed to keep each
other updated.
Between's Shared Calendar makes planning as a couple smooth as silk.
"身為情侶產業的先驅,我們掌握時下使用者平均每天使用電腦超過8個小時的習慣。Between 電腦版的推出,就是為了讓情侶們能夠給予最重要的人更多時間與關心。"
"Between App 於2014 年被Google Play 列為台灣前 30 名的 App"