
Between Terms of Service

Effective Date: Feb 5, 2025


These Terms of Service (the “Terms”) applies to each of Between Service available on Company’s official website and the third party platforms including but not limited to Google Store and Apple App Store (the “Third party platforms”) (each, the “App”) .

The App comprises the social media application (the “Social Media App)“, the associated media, any application associated with the online mode of the application (subject to any additional terms of service applicable to such online mode), any printed materials, manuals, any online or electronic documentation, and any and all copies of such application and materials (together, the “App”) developed by DLT Partners Inc. (“Company”, “we”, “our,” or “us”), which is located at 431 Teheran-ro, S8006, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea (Samseong-dong, JustCo Tower). Company provides social networking services, the official community website, and other app related services (Collectively, the “Service(s)”).

“User” or “you”, means the person who uses the App and/or Service and accepts and agrees to be bound and abide by these Terms by: (i) installing, copying or otherwise using the Social Media App; (ii) using the App; or (iii) using the Services. Depending on your country of residence, if you are below 18 years old and you choose to use the Service, we may ask consent from your parent or legal guardian.


IF YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT AND OUR PRIVACY POLICY, select “ACCEPT” to install the App and to indicate your acceptance and understanding of these Terms and Privacy Policy.

IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, select “DO NOT ACCEPT” and COMPANY shall not grant to you the License (defined below) to the App and you must not use the App or Service.



1. Limited License

The Company grants to you a non-exclusive, fully-revocable, limited right and license for the duration of the License Term to install and use one (1) copy of the applicable App on one (1) device at any given time solely for your personal use (the “License”). Subject to section 3(e) (consent to account transfer), the License shall be non-transferrable. All rights not specifically granted under this License are hereby reserved by the Company and, as applicable, by its licensors. The App is licensed to you, not sold. This License does not give you any title or ownership in the App, and should not be construed as a sale or transfer of any intellectual property or other rights to the App.

Without prejudice to any other rights of the Company, the License shall remain in effect for as long as you use, operate or run the App (“License Term”), or until otherwise determined by Company. The License shall terminate automatically if you fail to comply with these Terms. In such event, you must uninstall all copies of the App and the Social Media App. You may also terminate the License at any time by uninstalling the Social Media App from your devices or hardware (including any archival copies).


2. Amendments, Updates, and Patches

(a) These Terms can be found at any time on the Company’s official website.

(b) The Company may change these Terms at its discretion, and at any time, to the extent that is consistent to applicable laws and regulations.

(c) Any material changes to these Terms will be brought to your attention as Company may determine in its sole discretion. If any such future changes to these Terms are unacceptable to you or cause you to no longer be in compliance with these Terms, you may terminate these Terms in accordance with section 10 (Period and Termination) below. You are otherwise responsible to check this page regularly to make note of any changes. Your continued use of the Services means that you accept and agree to the changes of the Terms.

(d) Company may provide updates, patches and other modifications to the App that must be installed for the User to continue to play the App properly or at all. Company may update, patch or modify the App remotely and access the App residing on your machine for such purpose, and you hereby grant to Company the right to deploy and apply such patches, updates and modifications. All provisions of these Terms that refer to the App shall also include all such patches, updates and modifications.

(e) Company may also upgrade, change, or terminate the App or Social Media App or may discontinue offering either or both without notice to you.


3. Prohibited Uses

Company provides the App and the Service to Users only for personal, non-commercial and entertainment purposes, as limited by these Terms. You agree not to violate any of these Terms. Violation of any of these Terms may lead to temporary or permanent suspension of your any registration account that you create with us in relation to the App and the Service (“Account”), your access to the App, and/or your access to the Service, and some instances may also require an investigation by the Company, in accordance with these Terms. You agree to only use the App and the Service, or any part of them, in a manner that is consistent with these Terms and the License and you SHALL NOT, AND NOT ATTEMPT TO:

(a) without written permission from Company, use, advertise or exploit in any manner the App or the Service (in each case in whole or in part) commercially, including but not limited to use at a gaming center or any other location;

(b) use the App in connection with unauthorized software, applications, services, or devices. Such use may be illegal, voids any warranty, and is a breach of these Terms;

(c) without a separate, additional license from Company, use the applicable App or the Service or permit the use of the applicable App or the Service, on more than one computer, handheld device or PDA or similar device now known or hereafter devised, at the same time;

(d) use the App or the Service, or permit use of the App or the Service, in a network, multi-user arrangement or remote access arrangement, including any online use, except as otherwise explicitly permitted by Company in writing;

(e) make copies of the App or the Service (in each case in whole or in part), except that you may make one (1) copy of the App for backup or archival purposes, or make copies of the materials accompanying the App for non-commercial backup and reference only;

(f) sell, rent, lease, license, distribute, upload to any Internet server or web site, or otherwise transfer any portion of the App or the Service or any copies without the express prior written consent of Company which may involve the payment of a fee (for the Account and, separately, any digital assets).

(g) reverse engineer, derive source code, modify, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works of the App or the Service (in each case in whole or in part) or infringe any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights, except as the applicable law expressly permits, in which case all and any lawful modifications, adaptations, improvements, etc., and all copyrights therein, shall be deemed assigned to, and shall belong to, vest in and be the exclusive property of Company and/or its licensors on creation, in any event); and all moral rights (these include the right to be credited as the author of a work and the right to object to derogatory treatment of a work) therein shall be deemed waived (which means you will not be able to enforce your moral rights);

(h) remove, disable or circumvent any security protections or any technical measures that control access to the App or the Service;

(i) upload, modify, share, display or publish any information that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource;

(j) remove, modify, deface or circumvent any proprietary notices or labels contained on or within the App or the Service;

(k) export or re-export the App or the Service any copy or adaptation of the App or the Service in violation of any applicable laws or regulations;

(l) create data or executable programs that mimic data or functionality in the App or the Service;

(m) steal and/or publish information belonging to others (including but not limited to personal information, non-personal information and payment information) without requisite consent or a license;

(n) impersonate any person, including the Company, our affiliates, our designated partners, our designated representatives, or our employees;

(o) harm the reputation of Company, our affiliates, our service providers or licensors, or the reputation of the App or the Service;

(p) post, link to, advertise, promote, or transmit anything that is illegal, invasive of privacy, harmful, threatening, abusive, blasphemous, harassing, tortious, disparaging, defamatory, vulgar, sexually explicit, pornographic, paedophilic, libelous, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or relating to or encouraging money laundering or gambling;

(q) take advantage by exploiting, deceiving or misleading others in any way (as determined in our sole discretion);

(r) use the App or Service (in each case in whole or in part) in a manner that is related to illegal activities or any action that negatively impacts the delivery of the App or Service;

(s) exploit errors and bugs found while playing the App or using the Service;

(t) violate any applicable law, rule, or regulation in connection with your access or use of the App or Services;

(u) access or use the App or the Service for any purpose that is beyond the scope of the App’s or the Services’ intended use (in Company’s sole judgment);

(v) use / develop / advertise / trade / distribute unauthorized programs, including but not limited to, any programs that intercept communication between a App and a App server; any unauthorized third party programs or hardware devices that may affect the App or normal App access.

(w) disrespect or use offensive words, symbols, or other communication (determined by context and in Company’s sole discretion) towards others, including based on their race, gender, nationality or otherwise;

(x) create offensive nicknames or those that may provoke negative imagery;

(y) stalk other users

(z) upload, modify, share, display or publish any information that is harmful to minors; or

Any action which is not defined in these Terms that negatively impacts the delivery of the App or the Service or negatively affects other Users may be subject to warning and penalty, including termination of the License.

Furthermore, you agree that you shall abide by any safety information, security instructions, required updates, or any other relevant notices contained in the manual or otherwise associated with the App or Service.


4. Accessing the Service

As a general rule, the Service is accessible for 24 hours a day throughout the whole year. However, the accessibility of the Service is subject to the Company shutting down the Service, in whole or in part, for any period the Company deems appropriate to enable the update or technical maintenance of the Service, or any other action that the Company determines in its sole discretion. The Company may make amendments to the Service or restrict access (including cancellation, termination, modification or suspension of a User’s Account or License) from all or specific Users without notice. Additionally, the Service may be unavailable depending on geographic location.


5. Ownership

You agree and acknowledge that all rights, title, and interest, including intellectual property rights in and connected with the App and the Service and any and all copies thereof (including but not limited to any derivative works, titles, computer code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialogs, catch phrases, locations, concepts, artwork, graphics, animation, sounds, musical compositions, audio-visual effects, text, screen displays, methods of operation, moral rights, “applets” incorporated into the App, and any related documentation) (the “App IP”), are owned by Company or its licensors. We do not provide you with any interest in the App IP. Except as expressly authorized by us in writing, you may not create works based on the App IP or modify, distribute, or transmit the App IP. If you do not abide by the requirements of this section, we shall own all right, title, and interest in any works created, adapted, distributed, or transmitted via the App or Services, or, in the alternative, have an unlimited license thereto.


6. User Created Content

1) As a User, you may submit content to the Company. Any and all content Users submit to the Company via the App or the Service (“User Content”), and any intellectual property rights in the User Content belongs to the Company from the moment it is created. To the extent that Company is not permitted to own the User Content as specified above for any reason (for example there may specific laws in your territory which impact these rights being automatically vested in the Company), you agree that any and all User Content that you submit, or authorized to be submitted, is legally transferred and assigned to the Company, together with all intellectual property rights in the User Content. If any of your User Content cannot be legally transferred to the Company, you agree that the Company will be allowed, directly or indirectly, throughout the world and forever, to use the User Content (including to modify, adapt, use, reproduce, license, publish, broadcast, perform, sell, translate, create derivative works from and distribute any User Content for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, in any format  existing now or in the future), without payment or credit to you. You also give up any right to claim that any use by the Company of any User Content infringes any of your rights, including but not limited to moral rights, rights of privacy, rights to publicity, proprietary or other rights, and/or rights to any credits for the material or ideas set forth therein.

The Company has ownership rights and intellectual property rights to the App and Service.

- All User Content must acknowledge and display the appropriate copyright and trademarks. Using third party intellectual property without the proper license or permission is not permitted.

- All User Content must not contain (or link to) other sources and/or advertisements containing any illegal activities, if applicable, or any other inappropriate content, as determined by Company.

- The Company does not commit to any monitoring or supervision of User Content. However, there may be situations in which the Company does need to monitor, screen, edit, block or remove any User Content, in whole or in part, sent through or appearing on the Service, for example if the Company considers the User Content may be in breach of these Terms or otherwise may cause harm or otherwise if required of us under law.

By making User Content based on or inspired by the Company, you agree to these Terms and, the Privacy Policy of Company. Furthermore, you agree to indemnify Company from any legal claims or fees that arise in relation to your User Content.

The App is protected by the copyright laws of the Republic of Korea, international copyright treaties and conventions, Korean and common law trademark laws, and other relevant laws. All rights are reserved worldwide. The App contains certain materials licensed by Company from others, and Company and its licensors may protect their rights in the event of any violation of these Terms.

2) The Company has the ownership, licensing rights and all other rights to all content related to the App. You have the limited right to use in-app data (emoticons, currency, etc.) or similar content in the App, solely in accordance with Terms. However, you do not own the copyrights and other rights in the in-app data you possess. You are not allowed to transfer, sell, donate, or attempt to trade virtual property outside of the App. This is not permitted except with written approval from the Company.


7. Disclaimers

Save as set out in section 9 (Limitation of Liability) below, the Company is not responsible for:

(a) any interruption of the Service, use of the App, the Service, or termination of an Account due to the User’s fault;

(b) any action of a telecommunications provider to cease or fail to provide the telecommunication service;

(c) any unavoidable reasons that caused Service failure, such as maintenance, replacement, regular inspection, construction, etc. save in respect of intentional or material negligence of the Company;

(d) any problems caused by the User’s device or problems related to the network environment;

(e) the information, data, facts, reliability, accuracy, etc. posted or transmitted by the User or a third party in the Service or on the official website of the Company;

(f) your interactions with other Users and/or third parties when using the Service. (we may, at our sole discretion, attempt to mediate disputes between Users, but we are not obliged to become involved or become responsible in any way with such disputes.);

(g) anything which is the responsibility of a third party (unless they are under the direction and control of the Company);

(h) loss of the User’s in-App assets (such as in-App currency or in-App emoticons); or

(j) circumstances in which the Company limits the use of Service from Users in accordance with the relevant laws and/or government policies.


8. Further Disclaimers

Save as set out in section 9 (Limitation of Liability) below, the Company does not make any promises regarding your use of the App and Service. The App and Service are provided “as is” and “as available,” without warranty of any kind (including any implied warranty of merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness for a particular purpose), to the maximum extent permitted by law.  Use of the App and Service is at your sole risk.

Specifically, the Company does not make any promises that you will be able to enjoy continuous, error-free, secure or virus-free operation of the App, Service or your Account.

Please note that some jurisdictions do not allow the above warranty limitations, so these limitations may not apply to you.


9. Limitation of Liability; Indemnification

The Company will not be responsible for any damage or loss caused to you where such damage or loss is not reasonably foreseeable to you and us when you use the App or Service, including where the damage or loss results from our breach of these Terms.

The Service may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the case of system failure, maintenance or repair or for reasons beyond our reasonable control. Except as set out elsewhere in these Terms we will not be liable to you or to any other person in the event that all or part of the Service is unavailable, discontinued, modified or changed in any way.

The Company does not accept any responsibility for:

(a) any damage or loss caused to you where you are not entering into these Terms as a consumer;

(b) any failure, any suspension and/or any termination of access to the App or the Service or any content in connection with or arising out of a force majeure event. In these Terms, a "force majeure" event shall include, without limitation, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes, nuclear accident or acts of God, war or terrorist activity, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, compliance with any law or government order, rule regulation or direction, accident or breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm or default of suppliers, and where they are beyond our reasonable control, any other acts, events, omissions or accidents; and/or

(c) any claims brought against you by a third party except as stated in these Terms.

Nothing in these Terms will:

(a) restrict your statutory rights as a consumer (including your rights to state or to receive a reasonable standard of service, to the extent applicable to you under relevant law); or

(b) limit our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or for fraud.

You agree that you will compensate (in legal terms this is often referred to as indemnifying) the Company, its partners, affiliates, contractors, licensors, officers, directors, employees, and will defend, protect, indemnify and hold harmless to Company from any claims, lawsuits, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable legal and attorneys’ fees) arising directly or indirectly out of or in conjunction with your acts or omissions including use, or misuse of the App or Service and breach by you of these Terms. Company reserves the right to assume exclusive defense and control over all matters subject to indemnification by Users.


10. Period and Termination

These Terms are effective unless and until terminated by either you or the Company. The Company or the User may terminate these Terms at any time, for any reason or no reason at all, without prior notice. Termination by the Company will come into effect immediately upon the termination or deletion of your Account, which can occur at any time in the Company’s sole discretion. You may terminate these Terms by not using the App, and you must stop using the App and delete the Social Media App immediately upon termination of these Terms.  In so far as permitted by law, we have no obligation to reimburse any in-App currency or in-App goods or emoticons lost due to such termination, whether voluntary or involuntary, and you also acknowledge that the Company is not liable to provide a refund for any reason, even if you terminate the Terms. You are fully responsible for any problem that may occur due to inaccurate information provided when registering an Account and you also acknowledge that the Company reserves the right to terminate your Account if the information that you have provided is inaccurate or not up to date. Under applicable laws, you may have a limited cancellation right in relation to any digital content you purchase.

Sections 2 (Amendments, Updates, and Patches), 3 (Prohibited Uses), 5 (Ownership), 6 (User Created Content), 7 (Disclaimers), 8 (Further Disclaimers), 9 (Limitation of Liability; Indemnification), 10 (Period and Termination), 12 (Grievance Handling and Dispute Resolution), 13 (Inadequacy of Damages) 14 (Governing Law and Disputes), 15 (Class Action Waiver) 17 (Refund Policy) 18 (Other Policies) and 19 (Miscellaneous) shall survive any termination of these Terms.


11. Transfer of Terms and Conditions

Transfer of the App can only occur as set out in these Terms.


12. Grievance Handling and Dispute Resolution

a) The Company shall inform Users on the Company’s website about the ways that Users can present their opinions or complaints regarding any inconveniences experienced by the Users. The Company operates as a dedicated organization to handle such Users’ opinions and complaints. This does not exclude your rights to bring any legal claim or complaint to a regulator outside of this process.

b) If a dispute arises between you and Company, our goal is to provide you with a neutral and cost-effective means of resolving the dispute quickly. Accordingly, except where and to the extent prohibited by law, by using the App or Services, you and the Company agree to the use of arbitration on an individual basis through a mutually agreed arbitrator selected with the consent of the Company and you, where a claim is for less than the equivalent of $10,000 US Dollars. ARBITRATION ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS MEANS THAT YOU WILL NOT HAVE, AND YOU WAIVE, THE RIGHT FOR A JUDGE OR JURY TO DECIDE YOUR CLAIMS, AND THAT YOU MAY NOT PROCEED IN A CLASS, CONSOLIDATED, OR REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY. Other rights that you and we would otherwise have in court will not be available or will be more limited in arbitration, including discovery and appeal rights. All such disputes shall be exclusively submitted to the chosen arbitrator for binding arbitration under the arbitrator’s rules then in effect, before one arbitrator to be mutually agreed upon by both parties. If a dispute arises between the Company and the User, the Company shall faithfully demonstrate the measures taken in respect of the User, including any restrictions of usage, and will comply with result of any arbitration decision.

c) The Company has the sole discretion on whether to, and to what extent to, but no obligation to, enforce any rights of Company or take any actions as stated in these Terms.


13. Inadequacy of damages

Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies that Company may have, you acknowledge and agree that compensation by way of damages alone would not be an adequate remedy for any breach of these Terms by you, because Company would suffer irreparable losses if you breach these Terms. Accordingly, you agree that Company shall be entitled to the remedies of an injunction, specific performance or any other equitable remedy, in addition to any other remedies available to it under the applicable law. For the avoidance of doubt, Company shall be entitled to an injunction, specific performance or any other equitable remedy without bond, other security or proof of losses.


14. Governing Law and Disputes

If a dispute arises between you and Company, our goal is to provide you with a neutral and cost-effective means of resolving the dispute quickly. These Terms shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea. All lawsuits related to these Terms are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in Korea pursuant to relevant laws such as the Code of Civil Procedure. Other laws may apply if you use the App outside of the Republic of Korea. In such event, the applicable local laws shall only affect these Terms to the extent required by the applicable jurisdiction, and these Terms shall be construed as to make their terms and conditions as effective as possible. You must comply with all local laws to the extent that applicable local law applies.


15. Class Action Waiver

You agree not to participate in, including but not limited to, a class or representative action, private attorney general action, or collective arbitration related to the App or Service or these Terms. You also agree not to seek to combine any action or arbitration related to the App or Service or these Terms with any other action or arbitration without the consent of all parties to these Terms and all other actions or arbitrations.


16. Copyright Notice

If you think any materials from the Company and/or the Company branded websites infringe your copyright-protected work under the copyright law, you may provide an infringement notice to the Company’s designated agent as set forth below. Also, to ensure your notice is effective, you must include the following information:

(a) Sufficient details to enable us to identify the work claimed to be infringed;

(b) Your contact information, including your address and email address;

(c) A statement that you have a good faith belief that the disputed work is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;

(d) A statement, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right in the work that is allegedly infringed; and

(e) Your physical or electronic signature;

The contact information of Company’s designated agent is as follows:

DLT Partners Inc.

431 Teheran-ro, S8006, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea (Samseong-dong, JustCo Tower)

Email: feedback@between.us


17. Refund Policy

In general, all sales for all paid contents are final and refunds are not permitted except with respect to any statutory warranties that are mandatory by law or the third party platform’s refund policy. In case of termination due to your breach of these Terms, you are not entitled to any refunds.


18. Other policies

a) The Company may use the Privacy Policy and other policies to cover specific details that are not covered in these Terms in order to protect User interests and maintain order in the App.

b) By agreeing to these Terms, you also agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out in the Rules of Conduct.

c) Violation of the Rules of Conduct can result in termination of the License.


19. Miscellaneous

If any provision of these Terms is held to be unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be amended only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable, and the remaining provisions of these Terms shall remain in full force and effect. If you have any questions concerning these Terms or the License contained herein, you may contact Company at 4F, 117, Bundangnaegok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea, Attn. Legal Department.


This Terms of Service has been translated into other languages for the convenience of the Users. In case of any discrepancies between the English version and the other versions, the English version shall prevail. However, Korean Terms of Service shall prevail for Korean Users.

DLT Partners Inc. Location based service Agreement


Article 1 (Purpose)

This agreement is aimed to state rights, obligations and responsibilities, other necessary matters between DLT Partners Inc. (hereafter the “Company”) and the principals of personal location information in relation with the location based service provided by the Company.


Article 2 (Effects of and modifying user agreement)

  1. This agreement becomes effective when the principal of personal location information applied for location based service agrees to this agreement and registered as a user for the service in keeping with our usual practice.
  2. When the principal clicks “Agree” from this online agreement will be deemed that the principal has read and sufficiently understood the agreement and agreed to its application.
  3. The company can modify this agreement within a scope that does not violate relevant laws including Act on Protecting and Using Location Information, Contents Industry Promotion Act, Acts on Consumer Protection from Electronic Commerce, Consumer Protection Act, Regulations of Standardized Contracts Act.
  4. When the company modifies the agreement, the company only notifies the previous agreement and revised agreement and the current agreement by stating the date the revised agreement comes to effect and reasons for revision for a sufficient period 7 days before the date of application, and if the revision is unfavorable to the principals then the details will be announced from the service homepage for a considerable period - 30 days prior to and after the date of application or notifies the changes to the principals by way of electronic forms (emails, SMS).
  5. If the principal does not express an opinion of refusal within 7 days from the date of applying revised agreement from the date the revision is announced or sent, notified to the principals as stated from the previous Clause then it will be deemed as agreeing with the agreement. If a principal does not agree to the revised agreement then the principal can cancel the service agreement.
  6. Matters not stated in this agreement comply with relevant laws and user agreement by the company, Privacy Policy, specific guidelines set by the company including Act on Protecting and Using Location Information, Acts on Information Communication Network Promotion and Information Protection, Telecommunications Act, Telecommunications Business Act.


Article 3 (Service and fees)

  1. The company provides the following location based service by directly collecting location information or receiving location information from telecommunication companies.
    1. Geo Tagging service: When location information of the principal of personal location information is saved together with a photo at the time of taking a photo then the information will be saved with postings to view corresponding location.
    2. Provide search results using current location: Presents search results and surrounding information (restaurants, nearby businesses) using current location of the principal when searching for information.
    3. Provide weather information using current location: Shows current weather to the other party using current location.
  2. The above location based service stated in Clause 1 is free.
  3. If the company changes or ends service then the company can notify the changes or ends of service to the principal by registered email.
  4. When notifying Item 3 to unspecified multiple individuals, the company can notify through the homepage.
  5. The company can restrict or terminate service to the principal under each of the following.
    1. When the principal of personal location information disrupts service intentionally or negligently
    2. Under unforeseeable reasons caused by maintaining, repairing or constructing service equipment
    3. When a key telecommunication service provider stipulated in the Telecommunication Business Act stops telecommunication service
    4. When there is disruption in service caused by state of national emergency, error with service equipment, sudden increase in service usage
    5. When the company acknowledges that it is inappropriate to continue providing service by other important reasons
  6. The company will notify reason and time when service is restricted or terminated by reasons stipulated in previous items to the principals.


Article 4 (Ways to collect location information)

The company collects personal location information in the following ways.

  1. Collect real time location information based on Base Station (Cell ID method) using cell phones
  2. Collect location information through GPS information collected through GPS embedded terminals
  3. Collect location information through Wi-Fi information through Wi-Fi chip embedded terminals


Article 5 (Rights of the Principal of Personal Location Information)

  1. The principal of personal location information can withhold to agree to all or a part of the scope of collecting personal location information and user agreement or purpose of usingㆍproviding personal location information, a part of the scope of those receiving information and location based service.
  2. The principal can withdraw from all or a part of agreement for collectionㆍusingㆍproviding personal location information.
  3. The principal can request to temporarily suspend to collectㆍuseㆍprovide personal location information at any time. The company cannot refuse this request in this case and has technical means to carry out this.
  4. The principal can request to view or notify the following data to the company and can ask for rectification if there are errors to the said data. The company cannot refuse without just cause in this case.
    1. Data confirming collection ㆍusageㆍproviding location information on the principal of personal location information
    2. Reasons and details on providing personal information of the principal to third parties according to Act on Protecting and Using Location Information or other laws and regulations
  5. When a principal withdraws from all or a part of agreement then the company destroys data confirming collection ㆍusingㆍproviding personal location information and location information. However, when a part of agreement is withdrawn then it only applies to data confirming collection ㆍusingㆍproviding personal location information and location information.
  6. The principal can make a request to the company using contact details from Article 14 of this agreement to exercise rights stated in Clauses 1 or 3.


Article 6 (Rights of legal representatives)

  1. The company must receive consents from children under the age of 14 and their legal representatives when collectingㆍusing personal location information from children under the age of 14.
  2. Legal representatives can exercise the rights to withhold agreement, withdrawing from agreement and right to temporarily suspend, rights to request to view and disclose when agree to collect ㆍuseㆍprovide personal location information of children under the age of 14.
  3. The company must receive consents from children under the age of 14 and their legal representatives when using personal location information or data confirming the use of location information, confirming provision beyond what the agreement stated or notified or providing to third parties. However, it is excluded under the following cases.
    1. When it is necessary to confirm the use of and providing location information to settle accounts by providing location information and location based service
    2. When providing information by processing the information so that specific individual cannot be identified for statistical purposes, academic researches and market researches


Article 7 (Rights of legal guardians for children under the age of 8)

  1. Agreements by legal guardians to the use or provision of personal location information to protect lives and physical protection of children under the age of 8 will be deemed as agreement from the concerned person by the company for those (hereafter “Children under the age of 8”) fall under the followings.
    1. Children under the age of 8
    2. An individual deemed incompetent
    3. Those suffering from mental disorder according to Article 2.2.2 of the Welfare of Disabled Persons Act and those qualified as severely handicapped persons according to Article 2.2 of the Employment Promotion and Vocational Rehabilitation for Disabled Person Act (only those registered as disabled persons according to Article 29 of the Welfare of Disabled Persons Act)
  2. Legal guardians who are agreeing to the use and provision of personal location information to protect lives and physical protection of children under the age of 8 must submit documents proving that they are the legal guardians to the company.
  3. Legal guardians can exercise the full rights as the principal of personal location information when agreeing to the use, provision of personal location information for children under the age of 8.


Article 8 (Appointment of an officer responsible for location information)

  1. The company appoints an officer responsible for location information who is in a position to be responsible to handle complaints by the principals of personal location information and to appropriately manage, protect location information.
  2. The officer responsible for location information is the head of a department responsible for providing location based service and the detailed items comply with the supplementary provisions of this agreement.

Article 9 (Grounds for keeping user data , provision of location data, preservation period)

The company automatically records data confirming the collectionㆍuseㆍprovision of location information of the principals of personal location information and keeps for more than 1 year based on Article 16.2 of the Act on Protecting and Using Location Information.


Article 10 (Modifying and suspending service)

  1. The company can restrict, modify or suspend the entire of a part of service when the service can no longer provided by circumstances in the company or disruption under the laws such as changing policy for location information provider.
  2. The company announces in advance on the internet or notifies to the principals of personal location information when the service is suspended according to Clause 1.


Article 11 (Notify at once when personal location information is provided to a third party)

  1. The company does not provide personal location information to third parties without consents from the principal of personal location information, and when providing third party service when notifies the persons receiving information and purpose to the principals and obtains consents.
  2. The company notifies the persons receiving personal location information, the date and purpose to the principals at once each time to telecommunication terminals when personal location information is provided to third parties appointed by the principals.
  3. However, in the following cases, the information is notified to telecommunication terminals or email addresses specified in advance by the principals.
    1. When a telecommunication terminal which collected personal location information is not capable of receiving tests, voice or video
    2. When the principal of personal location information requested in advance to notify to other telecommunication terminal or email address instead of a telecommunication terminal which collected personal location information


Article 12 (Compensation for damages)

  1. The principals of personal location information can request for compensation when suffer damages when the company violates Article 15 or 26 of the Act of Protecting and Using Location Information. The company cannot escape is responsible unless otherwise proving lack of mistakes or negligence.
  2. The company can request for compensation if a principal of personal location information causes damages to the company by violating the regulations of this agreement. The principal cannot escape is responsible unless otherwise proving lack of mistakes or negligence.
  3. The company is not responsible for damages suffered by the principals when the service could not be provided because of each of the following.
    1. Natural disasters or equivalent uncontrollable states
    2. Intentional service disruptions by a third party in service partnership with the company to provide service
    3. When there are disruptions in service faults caused by the principals of personal location information
    4. When caused by reasons not by the company except item 1 or 3
    5. The company does not guarantee reliability, accuracy of the service or information, data, facts included in the service and the company is not responsible for any damages to the principals caused by these.


Article 13 (Conciliation of disputes)

The company can apply for rulings from the Korean Communications Commission if an agreement is not reached or cannot agree with the principals of personal location information on disputes related with location information.


Article 14 (Business Information)

The name, address, email and other contact details for the company are as shown below.

  1. Name:  DLT Partners Inc.
  2. 431 Teheran-ro, S8006, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea (Samseong-dong, JustCo Tower)
  3. Email: feedback@between.us


Supplementary Provisions

  • Article 1 (Effective date) This agreement is effective from Feb 5, 2025
  • Article 2 The following officer responsible for location data is appointed as of Feb 5, 2025.
    1. Name: Eunjin Kim
    2. Department: Business Group.
    3. Email: privacy@between.us
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